New York State DCP Undertakes US Equity, FI Search

The New York State Deferred Compensation Board (NYSDCP) has issued an RFP for management services of its passive US equity and fixed-income strategies.

NYSDCP’s consultant, Callan, which is assisting in the search, says the deadline for submission of questions is September 20 and submission of proposals is October 4. 

BlackRock currently manages the pension’s passive US large-cap equity, small-mid-cap equity, and core fixed-income strategies. NYSDCP said that as of June 30, it has $4.1B, or 10.62% of total assets, in the BlackRock Equity Index Trust, $1B, or 2.63% of total assets, in the BlackRock Russell 2500 Index, and $801.7M, or 2.07% of total assets, in the BlackRock US Debt Index.

According to Dakota data, the NYSDCP oversees total assets of $38.7B, with an average investment size of $75M.

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Written By: Koncheng Moua, Director of Data Management and Strategy

Koncheng Moua is the Director of Data Management and Strategy at Dakota.