Oakland P&F Narrows Down to Six Picks in Core, Core-Plus FI Manager Searches

The Oakland Police and Fire Retirement System (OPFRS) is trimming its core and core-plus manager search shortlist down to three finalists for each mandate, per its January 29 board meeting materials. 

General consultant Meketa recommended core fixed income candidates Loomis, Sayles & Company, Loop Capital Asset Management, and Ramirez Asset Management, as well as core-plus candidates Income Research + Management, Reams Asset Management, and Wellington Management Company, as finalists to be interviewed by the pension’s investment committee. The pension is expected to select two managers out of each pool this February. 

OPFRS first initiated the searches in October of last year for a potential allocation of approximately $25M to $100M per mandate. Meketa, which is assisting in the manager selection process, said it received over 30 proposals each for core and core fixed-income.

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Written By: Dakota


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