DFW Airport Board Allocates $10M to Sabal FI Strategy

The Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) Airport Board Retirement Plan approved a $10M investment into a Sabal Investment Holdings fund, according to agenda materials from the board’s September 5 meeting.

The pension board allocated $10M to Strategic Opportunities Fund II, a non-core fixed income strategy within Sabal Investment Holdings. The commitment is set over an eight-year term with two, one-year extensions. 

Sabal anticipates the fund will fill in gaps in financing and asset-level capital structures that arose from the negative dynamics in commercial real estate capital markets. Strategic Opportunities Fund II will target stressed and dislocated securities, adding diversification to the non-core fixed income allocation.

According to Dakota data, the DFW Airport Board Retirement Plan oversees $1B in assets.

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Written By: Jane Bailey, Marketing Associate

Jane Bailey is a Marketing Associate at Dakota.


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