Balancing your firm’s travel budget and the sheer number of investment industry conferences that are held every year — not to mention every month — can be a challenge.
How do you make sure you’re attending the right events, with the right people, at the right time?
More than that, how can you be sure you know about all of the upcoming conferences? It can feel like a full time job just keeping track of all of these events.
At Dakota, our sales teams are constantly traveling, city scheduling, and making the most of every trip, whether it’s for a meeting or a conference. Then, what was once a shared calendar of upcoming events became a new feature in Dakota Marketplace called Dakota Conferences.
This new feature allows not just our own sales team but all of our customers to see, at a glance, which conferences are happening and when, and what asset class they’re focused on.
In this article, we’re outlining five upcoming conferences that focus on hedge funds. By the end of the article, you’ll have a clear picture of upcoming events, when and where they’re being held, and if they’re a fit for your firm.
About the conference: AAAIM’s annual conference is the national platform for Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) investment managers across the major asset classes of private equity, hedge funds, public equities, fixed income and real assets to meet, conduct business and learn from insightful leaders - and each other.
The event gathers a broad range of investment professionals with common interests from public pension funds, other institutional limited partners, emerging managers and large investment firms.
Metro: New York City
Date: 9/28/2022
Speaker type: Allocators
Format: In person
About the conference: Identity Week is a conference and exhibition bringing together the brightest minds in the identity sector to promote innovation, new thinking, and more effective identity solutions.
Key areas of focus include secure physical credentials, digital identity, and advanced authentication technologies, such as biometrics.
Metro: Washington, D.C.
Date: 10/4/2022
Speaker type: Allocators
Format: In person
About the conference: An invite-only gathering for hedge fund operational leaders, that will explore the current trends, future drivers, and mission-critical tools pushing positive business growth.
Informed by in-depth industry consultation, our gathering for senior teams will help your business evolve via big picture presentations and a series of detail-oriented roundtable sessions designed for small groups.
Metro: London
Date: 10/19/2022
Speaker type: Allocators
Format: In person
About the conference: The digital asset hedge fund industry has experienced significant growth in the past few years as more dedicated firms have entered the space and more traditional managers have begun to incorporate digital asset strategies into their investment processes.
Digital Asset Outlook Europe 2023 will connect investment managers and institutional investors to discuss the latest opportunities and challenges that this still nascent sector of the hedge fund industry provides.
Metro: London
Date: 11/9/2022
Speaker type: Allocators
Format: In person
About the conference: For any new fund manager, getting the planning right at the pre-launch and post-launch phases can potentially make the difference between success or costly failure. Through a series of in-depth panel discussions, presentations and breakout sessions, the event will lay out the main considerations for an engaged audience.
The Hedge Fund US Emerging Managers Summit, hosted by Hedgeweek, is your bridge to a new understanding of each of the critical steps involved to successfully bring a hedge fund to market.
Metro: New York City
Date: 6/7/2023
Speaker type: Allocators
Format: In person
Dakota Marketplace is home to over one hundred upcoming industry conferences broken out by asset class. For more Hedge Fund conferences and to see the full list across asset classes, request a free trial of Dakota Marketplace!
Written By: Gui Costin, Founder, CEO
Gui Costin is the Founder and CEO of Dakota.
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