Stanislaus CERA Approves Target Asset Allocation Updates; Preparing Three Searches

According to materials from the January 23, 2024 board meeting, the Stanislaus County Employees’ Retirement Association has approved changes to its target asset allocation mix. 

The following was approved: 

-    US Large Cap: 14% (-2%)

-    Non-US Equity: 18% (-2%)

-    Public Credit: 4% (+4%)

-    US TIPS: 4% (+4%)

-    Risk Parity: 4% (-6%)

-    Liquid Absolute Return: 5% (+2%)

As a result of new asset classes being targeted, three searches are being prepared for 2024.

A U.S. TIPS manager search is being planned. A liquid absolute return manager search will be conducted to replace Invesco, and the third search will be for a public credit manager.

The searches and target asset allocation updates will be interspersed throughout the year. 

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Written By: Jane Bailey, Marketing Associate

Jane Bailey is a Marketing Associate at Dakota.