Santa Barbara County ERS Commits $60M to Real Estate, Infrastructure

The Santa Barbara County Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) has selected six new managers, per recently published materials from its August 28 board meeting. 

In real estate, the ERS committed $10M each to Kayne Anderson Real Estate Partners VII, Hillwood US Industrial Club VII, and Stonepeak Real Estate Partners.

Within the infrastructure exposure, the ERS committed $10M each to KKR Global Infrastructure Investors V, Apollo Infrastructure Opportunities Fund III, and Asterion Industrial Infra Fund III. 

Hamilton Lane assisted with the recommendations. Additionally, during the meeting the board reviewed Hamilton Lanes Q1 2024 performance updates for private equity, private real estate, and private real return. 

According to Dakota data, the Santa Barbara County ERS oversees $4.4B.

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Written By: Helen Bascom, Marketing Associate

Helen Bascom is a Marketing Associate at Dakota.