San Francisco ERS Commits $230M to Alts

The San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System made four investments to alternatives, totaling $230 million.

In venture capital, $75 million was committed to Institutional Venture Partners XVIII. In real assets, $60 million was committed to  SDC Digital Infrastructure Opportunity Fund IV. Within real estate, $70 million was committed to Milestone Real Estate Investors VI. Lastly, $25 million was committed to Torus Feeder 2, a hedge fund managed by Qube Research & Technologies.

As of March 31, 2023, the $34 billion pension fund allocates approximately 15.5% to real assets with a target allocation of 15%. Approximately 9.7% to hedge funds with a target of 10%. And approximately 30.2% to private equity with a target of 23%. 

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Written By: Helen Bascom, Marketing Associate

Helen Bascom is a Marketing Associate at Dakota.


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