Report: NewVest Captures $180M for Third PE50 Fund

NewVest has reportedly raised $180M in capital commitments for its PE50 2024 private markets index fund, according to a report by Private Equity International citing NewVest CEO Edward Talmor-Gera.

PE50 2024’s vintage 2023 predecessor collected $140M on final close, and like its prior iteration it will provide passive exposure for investors into private markets, described by Talmor-Gera as “looking to deliver an emulation of pooled returns of the asset class per vintage.” He added that NewVest makes minimum investments of $1M.

According to the fund’s Form D filing, its fundraise is supported by a global group of sales agents marketing the fund: Alt Group AI Capital Management, HMC Itajuba, Russell James Deakin, Rossano Real Estate Advisors LTD, Investment Spectrum (Pty) Ltd, LarrainVial Securities US LLC, and LV Distribution LLC. 

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Written By: Dakota