Pennsylvania Public School Employees’ Allocates $445M to Real Estate, Private Equity

The Pennsylvania Public School Employees’ Retirement System (PSERS) has disclosed commits of up to $445 million across four alternative investments.

Real Estate

$175 million was committed to value-add real estate fund, Cabot Industrial Value Fund VII. The fund will build and acquire mid-sized industrial warehouses primarily in North America but will explore European and Asian markets. In addition, $125 million was committed to value-add fund, DRA Growth and Income Master Fund XI, managed by DRA Advisors. The fund will have a large exposure to secondary markets.

Private Equity

In private equity, $125 million was committed to Incline Equity Partners Fund VI. Fund VI is a middle market buyout fund. $20 million was also committed to venture capital fund, Insight Vision Capital II. Fund II will operate as a fund-of-funds vehicle as a passive investor.

Hamilton Lane, PSERS’ private equity and real estate consultant, assisted with due diligence.

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Written By: Koncheng Moua, Director of Data Management and Strategy

Koncheng Moua is the Director of Data Management and Strategy at Dakota.


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