Orange County ERS Targeting up to $400M to Real Assets in 2024

The Orange County Employees Retirement System has reviewed real assets commitment pacing for 2024. 

According to a presentation from Aksia, OCERS will look to commit $350-$500 million in real assets in the upcoming year. 

The commitments will be spread out in $50 million to $100 million chunks across 3 to 5 investments.

OCERS allocates 43% of their real assets portfolio to infrastructure, 54% to energy, and 3% to timber/agriculture. The target exposures to real assets are 67% to infrastructure, 33% to energy, and 0-2% to timber/agriculture.

As of September 30, 2023, the $21 billion pension fund allocates approximately 14.1% to real assets with a target of 13%.

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Written By: Helen Bascom, Marketing Associate

Helen Bascom is a Marketing Associate at Dakota.


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