Colorado Fire & Police Pension Association Commits $145M to Alts

The Colorado Fire & Police Pension Association disclosed three recent commitments to alternatives, totaling $145 million, according to materials from their September Board Meeting. 

In private equity, $15 million was allocated to Syntagma Capital Partners I, managed by Syntagma based in Brussels.

$70 million was invested in Viking Global Equity, a long/short equity strategy. 

$60 million was committed to the Garda Capital Partners Fixed Income Relative Value Opportunity Fund, an absolute return strategy.

As of August 31, 2023, the $6.7 billion pension fund has allocated $2.1 billion, approximately 31.3% of their holdings, to private markets. Within long/short equity, the fund has allocated $375.9 million, approximately 5.7% of their holdings. In absolute return, the fund has allocated $527.9 million, approximately 8% of their holdings. They target 31% to private markets, 6% to long/short equity, and 9% to absolute return.

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Written By: Helen Bascom, Marketing Associate

Helen Bascom is a Marketing Associate at Dakota.


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