Colorado Fire & Police Commit $81.7M to Alts

The Colorado Fire and Police Pension Association approved four recent commitments to alternatives, totaling $80 million, according to materials from the February 15th Board meeting.

Within private equity, a commitment of €20 million (approximately $21.4 million) was made to Systemic Growth IV and €5 million (approximately $5.3 million) to Consolid Equity II. Systemic has an existing manager relationship with FPPA.

$5 million was committed to  Voloridge Trading Aggressive Fund. FPPA has an existing relationship with Voloridge and the investment is being rolled over from FPPA’s current exposure in the Voloridge Fund. 

Lastly, $50 million was committed to Estuary Capital, a long/short equity strategy.

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Written By: Helen Bascom, Marketing Associate

Helen Bascom is a Marketing Associate at Dakota.