City of Hartford Reviews EME Search Candidates, to Conduct Manager Reviews

The City of Hartford Municipal Employees Retirement Fund (MERF) is evaluating candidates to its emerging market equity manager search, and will also conduct due diligence to existing managers across three asset portfolios. 

In recently published materials from its January 31 board meeting, general consultant NEPC said that it assisted the Hartford treasurer and staff in reviewing 10 candidates to the pension’s emerging market equity search, and will be narrowing down the list to three for approval before interviews. The finalists will be assessed for complementarity to Hartford MERF’s current roster of international equity managers.

Meanwhile, the pension is also set to conduct due diligence on its existing managers within its US small core equity, real estate, and private equity portfolios. The reviews will be carried out from February to March, as disclosed in updates to the MERF’s 2025 work plan. 

Per the latest Dakota data, the Connecticut-based retirement system administers approximately $1B in total assets. 

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Written By: Dakota