Alaska Permanent Fund Commits $220M to Private Equity

The Alaska Permanent Fund has committed $220 million to seven private equity funds. 

$50 million was committed to the energy private equity fund, EnCap Flatrock V, managed by EnCap Investments. 

$15 million was committed to the buyout fund, Parthenon VII, managed by Parthenon Capital. $25 million was allocated to the buyout fund, Bain Capital Asia V, managed by Bain Capital. $40 million was allocated to the buyout fund, GTCR XIV, managed by GTCR. $25 million was committed to the buyout fund, Hellman & Friedman XI, managed by Hellman & Friedman. $15 million was committed to Canaan XIII, managed by Canaan Partners. Lastly, $50 million was committed to TA XV, managed by TA Associates. 

As of February 28, 2023, the Fund was valued at approximately $75.6 billion. 

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Written By: John Washington, Data Research Analyst

John Washington is the Data Research Analyst at Dakota.