San Francisco ERS Commits $349M to Private Equity

The San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System has disclosed seven private equity investments totaling up to $349 million, according to meeting materials from the May meeting.

$25 million was committed to Pelion Ventures VIII. $10 million was committed to KVC Secondaries Fund III. $100 million million was committed to Knightsbridge H 2019 LP. $80 million was committed to TA XV. $20.5 million was committed to Mayfield XVII. Additionally, $13.5 million was committed to Mayfield Select III. Lastly, $100 million was committed to Genstar Capital Partners XI.

As of June 30, 2022, SFERS’ allocates 32.6% to private equity while they target 23% to the asset class.

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Written By: Koncheng Moua, Director of Data Management and Strategy

Koncheng Moua is the Director of Data Management and Strategy at Dakota.