Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund Commits $60M to Alts

The Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund (CTPF)  will commit up to $60 million across two alternative investments.

$35 million will be allocated to the value-add real estate fund, Longpoint Realty Fund III. CTPF has previously committed $20 million in 2017 to Fund I and $30 million in 2020 to Fund II.

$25 million will be allocated to the infrastructure fund, Macquarie Infrastructure Partners Fund VI. CTPF previously committed $25 million in 2020 to Fund V.

CTPF’s consultant, Callan, assisted with the recommendations.

As of August 31, 2022, the $11.5 billion pension fund has an actual and target allocation to real estate of 12.5% and 9% respectively. The actual and target allocation to infrastructure was 2% and 2% respectively.

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Written By: Koncheng Moua, Director of Data Management and Strategy

Koncheng Moua is the Director of Data Management and Strategy at Dakota.


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