Baltimore City Fire and Police Retirement Commits $55M to Real Assets, Private Credit

The Baltimore City Fire and Police Employee Retirement System (BCFPERS) disclosed 3 recent commitments totaling $55 million to alternatives. 

In real assets, $25 million was committed to Grain Communications Opportunity Fund IV.

Within private credit, $15 million was committed to Crayhill Principal Strategies Fund III, and another $15 million to Nexus Special Situations Fund IV. 

As of July 31st, BCFPERS fund has allocated $153.7 million, approximately 4.7% of their holdings to real assets and within private debt, the fund has allocated $107.7 million, approximately 3.3% of their holdings. They target 5% to real assets and 7 % to private debt.

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Written By: Helen Bascom, Marketing Associate

Helen Bascom is a Marketing Associate at Dakota.


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