Produced for Our Members Who Wake Up Every Morning and Have to Raise Money for Alts Strategies

Dakota will present detailed profiles on Wilshire, CalSTER & all Alts Allocators in the Los Angeles area

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Questions you will get answers to on Wilshire:

  1. What is the process to initiate a conversation with research?  What is the process for your strategy to be reviewed at Wilshire?
  2. How does the Funds Management Group and the Field Consultants interact with central research?
  3. What are the near term searches and trends being discussed with Wilshire’s institutional clients?

Questions you will get answers to on CalSTER:

  1. CalSTRS has a long history of working with emerging and diverse managers, how do they define and interact with this group of managers? 
  2. How does CalSTRS look at alternatives, and what opportunities exist within their portfolio?
  3. In order to be recognized by CalSTRS, who are their key contacts to reach out too?

Also featured on Dakota Live! #20 for Alts:

  • Interview: John Jackson, Mercer Investment Consulting
  • Metro Area Profiled: Los Angeles
  • Dakota's Call Notes from the Week


Hosted By Chris O'Grady & The Investment Sales Team at Dakota

January 22, 2021

2:00 PM EST

Key Topics Covered on Dakota Live! #19



Wilshire Associates, Inc. is an independent investment management firm that offers consulting services and analytical products and manages fund of funds investment vehicles for a global client base.



CalSTRS provides retirement, disability and survivor benefits for full-time and part-time California public school educators.


Los Angeles

Learn the best routes to get your strategy in front of the right analysts.

Why you should register for Dakota Live! Call for Alts #20